Linux server radarr
Linux server radarr

linux server radarr linux server radarr

Meaning transmission, jackett, flaresolverr, radarr and sonarr will access the internet via your VPN. The container wiregard will create a network and all containers with their network_mode property set to wireguard will reside in this network. While it is downloading the images, let’s explain a bit what is happening in this file.

  • Add the public key to the vpn client key manager.
  • Change the rights with chmod 600 privatekey.
  • Generate the keys with wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey.
  • linux server radarr

    For example one can create one user per service and 2 groups, one to access downloads, the other to access media and add the relevant users to these groups. The directories owner would be the main user, if you consider it dangerous assign a different user/group in the docker-compose file, and assign the relevant user/group to the directories. It is important that downloads and media are in the same directory so that radarr and sonarr are given both in the same docker volume which will allow them to create hard link instead of copies. Transmission will see the downloads directory, Plex/Jellyfin will see the media directory and Radarr and Sonarr will see the whole data directory. If you choose to put your root folder in $HOME, most commands can be run without sudo. Sudo chown -R yourusername:yourusername /opt/data/* It is simply needed to add the following lines in ~/.ssh/config: If you plan to deploy this on another machine, you will have to forward each app port in order to use their web UI on the local machine. If you want to customize your docker configuration each image is very well documented on It is also easy to migrate as it consists on copying the root directory to any other machine. It simply consists on creating the wireguard conf file, downloading and running the docker-compose file, then most configuration has to be done on the web UIs to link services to each other. The advantage of this architecture is that it requires very little linux knowledge other than basic terminal and editor usage as docker-compose handles everything. The only requirement is to have docker-compose on your server.


    This tutorial will guide you to create a complete Plex or Jellyfin media server setup with both sonarr and radarr, transmission as torrent client and everything running behind a wireguard VPN.

    Linux server radarr